Fiore dei Liberi: Flos Duellatorum, 1410 (Pisani-Dossi, F. Novati, Bergamo, 1902)
 4 spada longa - longsword
 4.2 gioco sença arme (unarmoured plays)
 4.2.5 fendent fay per testa o chogiuni (strike to the head or gonads)

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Quando la spada per la gamba si uolla
O fendent fay per testa o tondo per la golla
Piu tosto se guastaria li braçi che la testa
Per piu curto tempo la mesura e manifesta

Quando io me incroso cum uno e uegno al streto
Entro li chogiuni el fiero cum lo pe drito

When the sword is flying for the leg
A strike to the head or around for the neck
More speedily to waste his arm rather than his head
For more shorten time is manifested with the measure

When I cross with someone and end up close to me
I strike his gonads with my right foot

Synopsis: click on image to view larger of the sameWell described action being not so frequent in Fiore's treatise, this particular technique is well described, in combination with the illustration makes for a very well described technique. The zugadore is depicted as attempting to strike the leg of the scholler (wearing a garter below his right knee), and is supported by the first line of the 4-line paragraph indicating speed is a factor in his strike. The scholler in response, removes the intended target (the leg - it is not explicit) and strikes the zugadore's head or around to strike his neck. Depending upon the way the exchange plays out, Fiore goes on to say that should the arm present a more viable target due to the distance between the scholler and zugadore now being short, that the arm would prove to be a superior target.

The couplet on the right clearly describes the situation when a bind has been made, the zugadore is now close to the scholler, and while the sword remains in the bind, the scholler will kick the zugadore's groin.

Practical Application: The above illustrations and text presents two separate and distinct plays. The first play on the left, which is well described, demonstrates the simple reaction to a low strike to the leg by removing the intended target, and given the zugadore has extended himself to strike the lower target, i.e. the scholler's leg, the physics of geometry come into play, allowing the scholler to safely strike the zugadore's head. Fiore goes on to say, should the situation provide an even superior target, that is, the zugadore's arm, then the arm should be the target of the strike given the distance permits such a strike with safety.

However, in the second play, a crossing is created and the scholler's sword moves up to cross with the sword's guard, which would only happen should the zugadore be close enough to close the distance to which the scholler responds to with a kick to the zugadore's gonads.

example applications/similarities
Reference Page
Fiore de' Liberi 1410 gioco largo in incrosar a pigliare (long play with a crossing and taking hold of the sword)

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Released: October 21, 1999 / Last modified: March 3, 2009