Fiore dei Liberi: Flos Duellatorum, 1410 (Pisani-Dossi, F. Novati, Bergamo, 1902)
 1 abrazare - grappling
 1.1 gioco de magistro primo - first master plays
 1.1.3 gioco terzo - third play - boar's tooth failure => long guard to iron gate

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E te faro cadere in terra cum la schena
E non te lassaro leuare senca pena.
And I will make you fall to the ground onto your back
And I will not let you up without feeling pain.

Interpretation: The first line of the couplet clearly indicates the intent of the scholar (wearing the garter) of throwing the zugadore to the ground onto his back. The second line reveals a typical Fiore sentiment that all is not over at the completion of a technique, in that once hs is on the ground, there is NO way that the zugadore would be able to get back up without receiving more incapicitating blows, such as more punches or kicks. Click on the images view a larger image of the same.

Application: This play descibes the situation in which the previous play where the arm bar "provided" by the zugadore goes "soft" which essentially foils the intended dente di zengchiar and throw down forward. However, Fiore points out in all of his plays that all is not lost, and that there is always an alternative, provided the scholar is able to identify the queues available and deploy an alternative technique.

In this case, if the zugadore having "soften" his arm bar, realizing the potential threat that exists on his arm, the scholar, then deploys an alternative, which in this case is the posta longa. This is executed by decreasing the distance between the scholar and zugadore, forcebly extending the scholar's right arm, possibly striking the face of the zugadore along the way, and with the scholar's forearm against the throat of the zugadore combined with the placement of the scholar's body by displacing the centre of the zugadore, he begins to fall backwards, and the natural inclination is to raise his (zugadore) leg in attempting to regain his balance, and the scholar simply grabs the leg and uses it to facilitate the throw backwards onto the zugadore's back.

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Released: December 2, 1999 / Last modified: December 20, 2008