This is the true art and the exact names of the brothers of Our Lady and of those of saint-George, and he who follows this is sure not to fail.

(In the following)

Item … I want to write more Pythagorean tables…...I
Item … one from Potlemy………………………….II
Item … one from Plato…………………………….III
Item … one from Aristotle………………………...IV
Item … one from Haly……………………………..V
Item. In these tables you will find what I say latter.
Item … in the following tables you will find who will have the victory when two battle, wrestle or fight with swords, or in any other way.
Item … between two friends which one will die first.
It … if one will die of a sickness or if he will recover.
It …. If a sentence (judgement) will be respected or not
It … if something is good or bad.
It … you ought to know that there a five figures (clocks), and when these five figures indicate the same thing (agree) one after the other there is no doubt that these things will happen as indicated. But if the figures do not agree with each other, it is because there is an error; so regulate yourselves on them.
[19] Item … there are some clocks which we divide (by) XXX, others IX, and others VII, according to what the figures are, which I will indicate for every figure, with a key of A, B, C.
It … you should also know that all these figures (diagrams) are taken from astronomy.
It … we also will write the names in Latin and with Latin letters and not with anything else.
It … we will make sure to place and subtract the numbers precisely, for a (mistake in a) number can result in a serious error.
It … now I will cite the first figure, which is called Pythagoras’s figure (clock).

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Copyright © 2001 Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts  (AEMMA)
Released: March 15, 2002
Updated: NA