two absolutely wants to risk fighting his brother, he should choose the days which does not belong to him; for example if he is a brother of saint George and he wants to fight against another brother of saint George, he should begin the preliminaries on a day which belongs to the brothers of Our Lady, for example Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and on the same day he should send the message or answer it.

The same applies to the brothers of our Lady; they have to chose for themselves the days belonging to the brothers of saint George.

Item … we assure that one must guard themselves from the changing of a complaint or answer, because from the one who provokes their could be the result that another will be provoked and the same calculation could be made in reverse, and this should be avoided for many people will be wronged.

Item … know also that the challenger and the defender must wait so that the provocation or the response happens on their day, after which they may do what they want.

Item … it is known that he who fights on a day which is not his will inevitably be injured. However, when someone fights his brother on a day which is not his the challenger will win, in another case it is he who will be defeated.

Item … if you wish to know when two men should fight who will be injured and in which part of his body, do the following. If he who is the victor has fought a brother of the same name on a day which belongs to them, he will not be victorious; the challenger will be injured though the victory should be his.

Item …if he fights before noon, his injury will be over his belt, and if he fights in the afternoon, he will be injured beneath the belt.

Item … do you want to know to what member (extremity) he will be injured, it is very nice to reveal this to people; do the following. You will know that in the cabalistic arts every day is divided into twelve hours. Of these twelve hours six are before noon and six in the afternoon.

Item … whether the day be short or long, we must (begin to) divide it immediately at the first hour when the sun rises right all the way up to the sunset.

Take very good heed that on the odd hours he will be injured on his right side and on the even hours on his left side.  If someone fights in the first hour of the morning, he will be injured on the right side of the head and neck, but if he fights on the third hour of the morning, he will be injured on the right of the chest and right arm. If he fights on the fifth hour, he will be injured on the right hand side.

Item … if he fights on the second hour, he will be injured on the left side of the head or neck; if he fights on the fourth hour, he will be injured to the left side of the chest and the left arm; but if he fights in the sixth hour, he will be injured on left side below the belt.

Item … if he fights on the first hour of the afternoon, he will be injured to the right hand side on the hip over the thigh; if he fights the third hour, he will be injured on the thigh on the right hand side over the knee.  If he fights on the fifth hour, his injury will on his right leg under the knee.

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Copyright © 2002 Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts  (AEMMA)
Released: March 1, 2002
Updated: NA